No no no no no im shOOK

leslie • 🧿

Im a little im denial and I really hope I’m wrong! I’ve had the nexplanon for maybe a year now and I just woke up to the weirdest most familiar feeling in my abdominal area. I froze. It felt like a baby moving!!!! Just in my right side. It went on for a few minutes before it went away. SO CREEPY! I was doing research and some women do get pregnant and show no symptoms while having the implant. I really hope I’m not pregnant and I’m kinda scared. I’m planning on taking a test soon so I can know before it’s too late to take the abortion pill.

Has anyone on here gotten pregnant while having the implant???

UPDATE: I took a test and it came out negative. I also haven’t felt the movement since but I’ve been having an uncomfortable feeling in my abdom and going to get checked.