35 weeks 2 days and 1 cm dilated


Hey y’all. My due date is March 20; they were gonna I dice me at 39 weeks (sometime the week of March 10th) but the last two nights I’ve woken up with HORRIBLE back pain and abdominal cramping. But more like period cramping not like actually contractions. Well this morning I woke up; had some bloody discharge in the toilet and on my underwear; called my OB and he wanted me to go to L&D to be checked.

Get to the hospital and get on the monitors and they saw “irritability” and a few contractions but nothing consistent or super strong etc. they checked my cervix and saw nothing abnormal and said I’m about 1 cm/1 fingertip dilated.

They asked if I Could tell I having contractions and I said I thought so; I wasn’t really sure; and when I thought I was having one I asked and then they told me that I was indeed having one. I’m just over here clueless like

never had these before haha

I asked if that meant I was about to be havin this baby the next few days and she basically said some people stay at 1 cm for weeks; others don’t. So I guess we wait! (Hoping little man waits until at least March 1rst; really wanting a March baby but OF COURSE he’ll make his grand entrance when he chooses to!)