Ovulation Day was today

Lilah • Engaged💍💏 Family of 3👪TTC #2👶🏾

So my Glow tracker stated that February 14th was the most important day to start have sex and me and my fiancee did just that about 3x and 1x after 12am today. Last cycle I had sex on ovulation day and end up getting my period so hopefully this time around something special ends up happening. Keep forgetting you have to have sex before ovulation as well. Thats how i got preggers with my 1st born. Even though the 2WW is something i cant stand I will just have to cross my fingers. The fact that period symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are very much so alike is whats crazy. Ugh😒. Well baby Dust 2 all those who are trying this cycle✨✨✨✨✨