You absolutely CAN feel symptoms before implantation 🤷🏻‍♀️


A lot of women get frustrated, and even sometimes nasty, when other women post asking if their symptoms could be related to pregnancy. Over and over I see “it’s IMPOSSIBLE to feel symptoms before implantation”.

Ladies, I am here to tell you that is simply not true. YOU know your body better than anyone else. If you have been logging and charting and paying attention to your body for months and months, only YOU know when something is different, and I want you to trust your instincts.

I ovulated on Feb 5th per my opks. By only 2 DPO, I had a suspicion that only grew as each day went on. My main symptom? Cramping. Light, pinching, annoying cramping that came and went. I always cramp on my left side before O (this month it was the three days leading up to O) and sometimes 1-3 days before AF but NEVER in between O and AF. This cramping was new and unusual for me and consistent every day. Getting closer to 6-7 DPO, other symptoms started to appear in addition. Tender breasts, nausea, and I had one day of diarrhea.

The moral of the story is that I KNEW the cramping was not normal for me! Something was up! I just knew something was different. And given the timing of sex and ovulation, my conclusion was obviously pregnancy.

I got my first faint positive at 9 DPO and a much darker line at 10 DPO!

Called it ;)

*Its important to remember that not every symptom will lead to a BFP. We all, including myself, have fallen victim to symptom watching that have lead us to getting our hopes up. My only point is that YES! You absolutely can have symptoms before implantation.