Goodbye baby

Allison • Pregnant with first🤰Cat momma of 2🐈 Bisexual🏳️‍🌈 type 1 diabetic

I may have only known you for 10 weeks, and you may have only been alive for 8, but mommy will miss you. Mommy loved you. Mommy is happy you won’t be brought into this cruel world and will be lifted to the spirts where my dad who died can meet you.

For those of you who don’t know here’s my story. I was told I had an ectopic pregnancy, for 2 weeks but they wanted to wait and see what happened. Then they found the baby in the uterus with NO heart beat. 1 week later (now at 6W4D) heart beat was faint. At 106bpm, low but they weren’t to concerned. My family doctor then followed it but missed the slowing down in my hcg levels. So she missed my upcoming miscarriage. I had my 10Week ultrasound today and baby had no heart beat and measured at 8 weeks. Baby has been deceased for 2 weeks in utero. This miscarriage isn’t coming on it’s own so I have to take medication to induce it. I chose this over a DnC because I’m diabetic and infection risks are extreme. So I am carrying my deceased baby. It is bothering me, but I have now fired my family doctor for missing this coming.