43 Y/O. TTC. - What supplements are you taking?

43 years old. Trying to conceive but doing 90 day prep work first. Handful of miscarriages and a chemical pregnancy. Hypothyroidism. On-again/off-again Hashimoto’s antibodies. I believe I have adrenal, cortisol and estrogen dominate Issues. Insomnia (2 hours almost every night). Can get pregnant but can’t hold a pregnancy due to low progesterone. (I know. It sounds like so many of us. So frustrating, right?) I would love to figure this out with out

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>


Love to hear your 40+ year old Trying-To-Conceive supplement and other naturopathic routines.

My goal is to lose 20-30 pounds through diet and exercise in the next 90 days. Get off cheese and pork, and as much grain as possible. Getting off soy isn’t an issue. Increase my intake of nutrient dense foods. Sleep through the night 8-9 hours.

Note: I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. Talk to your doctor or naturopath team before changing diet, exercise or supplements routine.