I was in a long distance relationship for over 2 years. He lived in Texas I lived in California. Things were good in the beggining. But as time progresses the more the distance hurts. Trying to make plans to see each other but it never works. Toward the end of our relationship things got very toxic. In a long distance relationship, you can't see each other you don't know what that person is doing, you don't know if there being 100% loyal to you. I spent over 2 years crying constantly because I needed and wanted him with me. I broke up with him about 6 months ago, and it was hard at first but now I couldn't be happier. I have a boyfriend that actually lives here, he's the sweest person I've ever known, and treats me so damn good. Trust me, from experience, long distance relationships don't work, and they aren't fun. Save yourself the heartache and pain, and just find someone who can actually be here for you, relationships in real life are 100000× better then any long distance relationship could ever be.