Bleach over bleached hair?

So my hair is naturally dark brown. Very dark. I'm going for a platinum blonde. Silver. Now my roots have grown in all over the place , my hair is a bit brassy not bad. My question is. I know it's bad to bleach over bleached hair. I've bleached my hair 3x to get it not orange over a few couple months. Bleached and toned it last on December. It was white ish back then but the toner obviously has faded now. My hair is also very thick. Do you think I should bleach my whole hair again to get it to that silver I want or just my roots with toner over? Because idk if it'll be that light if i just tone it and bleach roots. Would I be safe bleaching it a 4th time? I just don't know which products are safe to bleach over bleached hair and will actually bleach it lighter. Any bleach suggestions that will already lighten bleached hair??? From Sally's or Walmart just anywhere? Thanks. What do u guys think??

My current hair.

1st time bleaching hair

My natural dark brown

2nd bleaching.

Current hair

Current , but toner was still kind of in. ( this was last month)