Wondering when to start tracking/trying


I just lost my pregnancy on Thursday @ 6w 5d and I'm a little unsure how to start trying again. I'm not sure if right now I'm still passing blood from the miscarriage or if my period has started. The miscarriage was Thursday afternoon between 5:30pm and 9pm I passed SO much tissue/huge clots/stringy blood and mucus and then it completely stopped around 9pm. I woke up lightly spotting and slowly began bleeding more like my period, barely any cramping and the clots are more normal sized to my period.

Should I start <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> as soon as I stop bleeding? Should I wait it out for my body to stop bleeding, have a period, and then track? Also- being intimate with my husband after this loss is kind of making me nervous for some reason. Any tips there would be good 😅