Child abuse need some support 😭😭

I had made a post about my son awhile ago and things just keep getting worse and I’m so scared.

This was the original post at then end is the update I know no one can do anything on here but I feel like I’m falling apart. Sorry this is so long😔

“So my ex and I were together for 3 1/2 years before we had my son and we split up when he was about 1 yr and 3 months because he wasn’t coming home never payed attention to our child there would be times where he wouldn’t even feed him while I was at work and I was the only one paying bills he would also force me into sexual activities and I had to starve myself to make sure my son had food to eat, him not being there to care for our son or my self when I was having a miscarriage was my last straw, when I left him he started to get violent he would grab my arms and shove me against the wall and would even dig his nail into my skin to make me bleed , he only saw our son maybe 6 days out of the month for the first 3 months after we split eventually due to my work situation we tried 50/50 still it wasn’t 50/50 I’d have to take Easton to his drs, pay ins, and he would call me to get him on his days due to him not being able to handle our child’s fits or being sick. I would pick our son up from there with diaper rashes all the time soaking wet diapers that would soak through, in colder months he wouldn’t have clothes on or they would be wet and no jacket in July of 2017 he came to me with a black eye his dad told me he kept running into peoples legs then Aug 2017 my son wouldn’t let anyone change his diapers saying his daddy hurts his privates then again in April 2018 he told us his aunt(his dads sister) touched his pee pee. On Aug 2018 he said his dad touched his privates again DHS came over to discuss the issues but nothing came of it and he still had his custody in sept he had some itching in his privates so I took him into the dr there was also suspicious bruising they reported it to DHS they stopped over again I decided for my sons safety I’d keep him and eventually they closed the case and he kept his custody, my son started wetting the bed and having nightmares after being potty trained for over a year I took him into the dr and they wouldn’t do a physical due to DHSs involvement. Then on oct 2nd he had a bruise around his anus so I called the police and nothing happened. And on the 11th he came back to me with his penis torn and saying his dad was hurting it under his blanket which I do have a recording of, took him to ER and DHS again stopped by we took him to child protection and my son being 3 wouldn’t tell them anything so they again gave back his custody. We have an attorney that’s been involved a therapist DHS and the police which have all been involved does anyone on here have anymore suggestions I’ve used up all of my resources and my son really needs someone to help. Or even just some support if any of you have been through something similar please.”

———— So UPDATE is we have custody court on the 26th his dad still has 50/50 and has had his son 5 days a week the last 6 weeks (because our dhs worker had told me to keep my child from his dad and now I have to make up those days) my child has told his therapist that his dad has been hitting him in the face with wooden spoons and had a mark to match, DHS worker came to my house and chewed me out saying I am not to report anything else or they would file a lawsuit and also told me that she would turn me in for child pornography because I had showed her the picture of my sons torn penis and bruised anus for proof that something was happening, we took my son to a children’s ER and he told the SANE RN that his daddy touches his pee pee when he sleeps in his toddler bed with him (this went to be reported by a police officer and DHS told them that I had already made the same report when I did not so it never ended up being reported), I recently got him back from his dad and he told me his dad stabbed him in the back with a pencil and sure enough there was a stab wound in the middle of his back I took him in and he told the dr about it and also told her that he’s been playing with his pee pee and his balls too also he told her his finger was cut really really hard and there was a cut on his finger too match (the doctor told me not to send my child back over there but the DHS worker told me that I had to because there’s not enough evidence, again, which it’s been 5 days and dhs still hasn’t been over to either home). At this point my attorney told me that when we go to court he will most likely get full custody of our child because of the unfounded dhs reports I’m at a complete lost on what to do and am so scared for my child’s safety!😭