Lip/Tongue-Tie Causing Reflux?


My son is about 4 weeks old and has had trouble keeping his food down, especially at night (he comfort feeds at night so he eats more). There’s times where’s he’s crying & grunting in pain while drinking from my breast or from a bottle. He’ll also spit some back out & get angry & stop feeding, but then he’s still hungry so he drinks some more. He’s also had trouble pooping, but isn’t constipated. When he does poop, it comes out perfectly fine, but before that, he’ll be pushing & crying for an hour or more at a time (maybe trapped gas)? Did some research and found about about lip and tongue ties. It looks like he has a lip tie but not sure about a tongue tie

Here’s the issue.... everyone seems to think I’m crazy or making this up!! Throughout the day, he’ll be perfectly fine, so no one thinks he’s actually doing the things I’m saying. They think because I’m a FTM, I’m just paranoid. My husband works 3rd shift so it’s just me at night. I’ve called his pediatrician and spoke with her and other nurses and they tell me as long as he’s pooping & peeing & eating some, he’s fine. No one seems to take the tongue or lip tie thing very seriously.

I honestly feel like I’m going crazy. I hate seeing my baby in pain. His 1 month appointment is Tuesday so I’ll try to address these things then to his pediatrician, but when I’m the phone with her, seems like no one cares or worries about lip or tongue ties.

Any advice?