Idk who needs to hear this but keep trying!!

-I am not a “baby leads the way!” Mother... sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️

I do not feed at every single cry if I know he has been fed a full feeding an hour ago!

I do put him down for naps and do not just let him fall asleep in my arms.

I bottle feed (breast milk) and I still say I’m a breast feeding mother.

I let him cry for Atleast 20 seconds before going and soothing him.

I intend to have him sleep in his own room ASAP.

I take him outside several times a week.

I’ve let him sleep in the bed with my husband and I because I simply understand how sad and lonely he might feel!

I baby-wear when I need to get stuff down.

I don’t call my pediatrician before doing different things with him, if I ultimately feel what I’m doing is right.

I let him nap in his swing, rock and play, on my bed 🤷🏼‍♀️

I do what I think is best everyday and don’t give a damn about people’s opinions, or Facebook articles!!

all I’m saying is.... everyday is different. Be a fluid mom who sticks to her guns! Don’t let mom shaming and the quick google searches get you down! You can do this!