Advice desperately needed!

I have 4 children all of whom I had by the age of 31, it was a joke that I could get pregnant just from my ex-husband walking by me (also had 2 miscarriages).... we are divorced now and my partner desperately want to have a baby together. I started using this app and opk’s and 7 months later nothing and tmi but we literally have sex at least once a day everyday, usually more.... always! He is 47 and i am 36. He has two children in their early twenties but from that we know that he was capable of getting his then wife pregnant at one point. Could this be an issue of low sperm count? An issue on my end? What are we doing wrong? He does have a cyst on one testicle but he says he has had that for as long as he can remember. We just desperately want a baby and want to make it happen soon before we get much older. I can’t take him into the doctor with me because my insurance is still through my ex-husband and his insurance won’t cover anything. Could I convince my doctor to put me on clomid? Are there supplements we should be taking? It’s just that given my track record with my ex-husband that I got pregnant 6 times in 5.5 years without ever trying (none of them were planned) I am at a loss as to what the problem is here. (My partner does often take antibiotics for an issue with his tooth, and he takes heart medication... in case that’s important) please help. We just got back from Hawaii and I was so hopeful that we would make our dream baby there but sadly that was not the case.