PLEAE HELP! My baby won’t sleep and we are going crazy.


My son is only 3weeks and 4 days old and he was doing great sleeping every night! He would sleep 4hrs at a time wake for a feeding and sleep for 4 more hrs. Then all of a sudden he WILL NOT SLEEP at night! No matter what me or my husband do he just cries and cries and acts like he’s hungry but has just eaten and if we give him more food he just spits it up so how could he be hungry!? And when we try to give him a pacifier he spits it out immediately and screams.

We are first time parents and are at a loss of what to matter what we do he just won’t stop crying...all night long until it’s morning and we start doing things around the house...

We have also tried the 5’s and they don’t work with him at night. And this is the ONLY time he scream cries! When he’s hungry he only cries if we wait too long during the day.

Please help!