Bad Periods... endometriosis?

Hey guys. New to the app. My sister got it and loved it so I wanted to give it a try.

So my questions/comment to y'all is about periods. My periods are so bad I can't walk for two days, the pain is crazy intense and moves into my legs. I have pelvic congestion syndrome, and I have not had kids or have ever been pregnant. I am at a higher risk for endometriosis. Women in my family have it. I get so nauseous on my period. I am concerned about endometriosis. I got an internal like MRI a few years (like 5?) And no cysts have shown up then, but I figured I'm due to get screened again. I have cramps constantly throughout most of my days and they are pretty bad. I have pain in my uterus during arousal. And I have pain during orgasm most times. I'm currently on birth control. Anybody else have these problems??