
So I recently met this guy and we’ve been talking for a bit. Yesterday was the first time we actually met and I knew he was fine but daaaaamnnn he’s really fine! When we started talking we would be back and forth texting and I don’t think he ever took too long to reply and up until last week we were FaceTiming a lot to the point we would fall asleep on FaceTime. Now, it seems like he takes forever to reply and it’s been like this even a few days before we thought about meeting each other. He always sends me good morning text but I’m kinda confused. I understand people are busy and from the jump he said he’s not on his phone a lot and he actually likes to be outside but STILL! So now it’s the day after we saw each other and when we asked what each other was doing, I kinda gave the impression that I went out on a date (even tho in reality I’m watching YouTube videos) just to make him feel some type of why and he responds saying “word, have fun & be safe” am I way in over my head or does he seem kinda salty/jealous? He’s never told me that before. I was also thinking that I’ll reply to his text tomorrow night and just like his message, to see how he’ll react. Should I go about taking that long, just text him tomorrow saying how I miss the frequent FaceTime calls and we should do it more often, OR just play it out and see if communication will get better between us? HELP!!!