How would you feel

So earlier tonight while my phone was charging I was sitting next to my husband. His phone was sitting between so I grab it and type in his passcode. The whole time I can feel his eyes on me. I click on Facebook out of boredom. His phone glitches out because his is pretty broken so it’s not uncommon for his phone to glitch out but it brings up his search history on Facebook. I immediately click out of it but not before the top two most recent searches caught my eye.

in big letters



I closed out of facebook.

I said what you been looking at, Brandon?

He said what do you mean?

I said sexy shit?

He goes what are you talking about? I have no idea what you’re talking about.

I rolled my eyes and got up

And that was it. I wasn’t angry or rude. We have been together 8 years we both know the boundaries of our relationship. We both know what we are both ok with in our relationship.

It’s fine if he was looking shit up just don’t blatantly lie to my face. I’m not an idiot. How would you feel in this situation?


I didn’t watch him “sweat” and again we both know the boundaries in our relationship. I trust him fully which is why I took his phone. He doesn’t usually make a big deal about me looking at his phone and he has full access to mine. And we talked about it and how it made me feel and he admitted that he looked it up because of his urges and that he did masterbate, so the women on here who they think they know me or my husband or our relationship better than me can get over themselves. But thanks for the input 👌🏼