Spousal abuse or just mad??

I was hoping to ask if any of the ladies have been through domestic violence before. My husband and I got into a fight yesterday. it escalated to an extreme! I had messaged my friend before it escalated explaining that I had sold my car hours before and I had no way to get out. That my husband was getting grumpy... She said she was on her way immediately.

I went downstairs to get my daughter ready to leave and he told me to go to hell and I couldn’t take her and I said “you better hope not because guess who is with me”

He went red and lost it slammed me to the ground strangling me in a choke hold, he hit my arm. And I was trying to get my phone out screaming Siri call 911. He grabbed my phone saying he would smash it first. I was screaming. “Get off me!!” Over and over again.

I think he was about to start hitting me when my friend arrived banging on the door. She hit the door harder and harder yelling to let her in. He got off of me to unlock the door saying no I can’t take my daughter. I yelled at my friend to call 911 because I was afraid he would prevent me from taking her! He got in my way as I was trying to get her out, blocking me in. I just wanted to leave for a few hours for him to calm down.

She did, and being on the phone with the police finally made him move and say fine take her, he said he’d see me in court for her. We went to my friends house and the police ended up coming to talk to me and told me that they would be pressing charges and arresting him.

I know this sounds bad but I didn’t want charges pressed, all I want is for him to get some help. I told the officer I retract anything I said. The officer stated it’s not up to me, there was enough evidence for the crown to charge and convict him with or without my statement.

He’s not a bad guy he just seems to get so angry and then seems to go red. I suppose I’m just wondering if anyone had something like this happen? Has anyone had their spouse go through anger management and found it worked? We’ve been together for 13+ years and it’s been getting worse... over the last 3 years he started to get this angry, its now happened 4 times where he saw red and blew up like that.

They placed a no contact order against him for 3 weeks until court date. This means he can’t see his daughter and we can’t work anything out. I don’t know if this sounds ridiculous or not but I don’t feel like an abused wife. He doesn’t punch me or slap me, he’s only ever tried strangling me. He doesn’t call me names. He takes care of us before himself, and is a good dad. The worst part of him being angry is usually that he shuts down and won’t talk to me for days on end. So it’s just a normal relationship other than his violent outbursts.