Feeling defeated 😔

Shelby • Mama. 2 girls 💕 2 boys 💙 engaged to the love of my life 🥰

I’ve posted a few times about struggles with BF. My little guy is getting to where he’s almost inconsolable, although he’s gaining weight he won’t stay away from the breast, and I mean that. He has fought me, his sleep, and everything else all night (it’s 1 in the morning here) I broke down and had some big tears and my sweet husband went to the store to get formula. My plan is to supplement and see if that helps, in the mean time I will pump so he can also still have breast milk. I do not feel like I’m making enough anymore. He gets so frustrated when he’s trying to nurse and I am almost hysterical. I feel terrible, I feel sad, I feel like I am failing my baby, I feel like I am disappointing my husband. All which I know are false but it’s hard to not feel that way. Breastfeeding was never this difficult with my other 3 😔

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Posted at
How old is little one?? What you describe sounds mostly like cluster feeding.


Silje • Feb 18, 2019
In the beginning it’s clusterfeeding almost all the time til 4-6weeks' then it slows down a bit. Hang in there 😊


Shelby • Feb 18, 2019
Almost 2 weeks, and I know that makes me sound crazy but he’s done this since he was born. The hard thing is I have other children I need to take care of also. I cannot cook, use the restroom, bathe my other littles, take them to school, nothing. Because he wants to constantly be on the breast.


Posted at
I’ve felt exactly like this! My daughter does gymnastics while breastfeeding, grabs at my nipples, kicks and punches me, pops off the nipple every few seconds and then if I take her off she completely melts and starts screaming. We’ve been supplementing since she was born but she’s definitely worse if she hasn’t had any formula all day. The formula really helps her calm down and like, get her ready to eat? Usually she’ll have 2-3oz and then I’ll put her back on the breast and she’ll eat normally after that.


Al • Feb 18, 2019
Yea my daughter was the same way. She would only sleep after formula not breastfeeding for the first couple of months. But now at 4 mo she loves to fall asleep on the nipple, sleeps all night (6-6) and also takes 2-3 naps per day. It just took her awhile to get there.


Shelby • Feb 18, 2019
I tried formula this morning to see how he would do, and he took 2.5 ounces, burped every time and now he is sleeping peacefully. He only rests happily MAYBE 2 times when I nurse through the day and it’s hard to even get him down. Makes me so sad


Posted at
Your baby might also be comfort feeding. My baby does this. If you have been strictly breast feeding and now adding formula into the mix, just be careful because it might upset their tummy