Should Jihadi bride be allowed back in the U.K.?


*UP DATE* She has now done a second interview with the BBC where she states that the Manchester arena bombing was ‘fair retaliation’ by ISIS. She has also named her son after a Islamic warlord. If these are her views, then I would agree that she is dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed back in the U.K. or any Western country *

Shamima Begum was 15 when she left the U.K. and travelled to Syria with two school friends. She married a Dutch national who had also fled to Syria and was an ISIS fighter.

She is now 19, has just given birth to her third baby in a refugee camp. Her two previous babies died in their first year due to disease/poor medical care. Her two friends are understood to have been killed during the war.

Begum has asked to come back to the U.K. to raise her child so he would have access to the NHS (for those not in the U.K., the NHS is our free health service).

She was interviewed by Sky News and was quoted as saying things such as she was ‘okay’ with the ISIS beheadings, that she ‘had a nice time’ in Syria, that she still loved her husband and didn’t regret leaving the U.K. She also claimed people should have sympathy for her for everything she’d been through.

People are arguing that the child is an innocent who shouldn’t have to suffer because of the actions of his mother, so they should be allowed home. Others are arguing that she was ‘groomed’ into running off to Syria so she is a victim. Others are arguing that she’s not likely to be dangerous as she’s just had a baby (though what’s to stop her radicalising other people, even if she herself doesn’t physically do anything?)

I think that at 15, you know right from wrong and are capable of making your own decisions, and the fact that she’s not shown any remorse for her actions seems to me that she just wants to come back for an easy ride, or there is an ulterior motive.

What do you think?