What's more reliable?



I have really weird irregular cycles and I've been chatting my bbt and taking opks to try and catch ovulation.

For the first time in a year I got a blazing positive on an OPK on the 11th. It came at the same time as other symptoms like increased sex drive, pain in my right side and a lot of clear CM.

I use two apps, this one and femometer which syncs up with my thermometer. According to this app I ovulated around the 11th or 12th. However my femometer app says the 15th due to my bbt. Last cycle it predicted my ovulation at the 17th of November and it was wrong.

I'm worried we've missed my ovulation because we bd a lot around the positive OPK and didn't at all around the 15th. Which should I trust more?

Thanks so much in advance for your help!!

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