So I was post to been due on February 13 2019 but this little guy planning on waiting til the weeken...

So I was post to been due on February 13 2019 but this little guy planning on waiting til the weekend which was February 16 2019 @3:06 weighed 7 lb 14oz but more to the story they had to induce me cause I was only 1cm dilated but once they start boyyyyyy them contractions wasn't no joke man 😭 I went from 3cm to 5 less then 3 hours but I did get the epidural around 4cm once I got that I couldn't feel nothing at all my legs was heavy 😂 and everything but I had got to 8cm and they had me to push but his little but didn't wanna come so I tried pushing like 6 more times still no baby so that when they told me that we was gone have to do a emergency C-section cause his heart rate was dropping I that when it really hit me I got scared I started crying and everything cause I didn't wanna nothing to happen to me or my baby but I didn't feel nothing when they started to do everything then BOOM he came out with a head full of hair 😅😍😍 I thought he wasn't gone have none cause I ain't have heartburn but here my little guy his name is Laudrelle Tarver Jr . Me & His Daddy is very Happy that his here. 😊👪🤞🏽