As if I haven’t been through enough already 😩


Monday morning rant:

So it’s 5am where I am at. I have been going to the gym at 4am for the past 4 or 5 months because it’s the only time I can with a baby (mom woes). I’m trying to get my body back in shape after giving birth 7.5 months ago. As if that’s not hard enough, tell me whhhhyyyyy this morning while I’m sprinting on the treadmill I feel a gush of liquid? I think nothing of it (idiot, I know). On my way out, I look down and guess who decided to make her grand entrance?! Aunt fucking flow! I’m so embarrassed and pissed off. I’m on birth control, I’m also breastfeeding. I don’t understand. Now I’m freaking out that my supply is going to drop and I really wanted to breastfeed for a year. Goddddddddd... 😫 happy fing Monday.