Toddler re-interested in breastfeeding


So I stopped nursing my son around 15 months (3 months ago) and it was a super easy transition he forgot all about it, or so I thought! Today I was changing my shirt and he pointed at my boobs and smacked his lips and went “ahhh” (like he just took a big sip of drink- thanks MIL for teaching him that lol) SO I let him try and he just like put his mouth around my nipple and laughed. And then lost interest (not that any milk is in there anyways). I’m just worried because I’m due with baby #2 in June and fully intend to breastfeed this one again, and I don’t want #1 to actually become very interested again and want to nurse. I thought for sure he would have forgotten about boobies already! Has his happened to anyone else? Maybe he’ll totally forget by June? I’m gonna maybe stop changing my shirt in front of him....