Pumping and supply.

🌻🌺Trinkster🌺🌻 • Mamma to my little man 10/02/18 and little girl 11/29/19

Is it possible I am not giving myself enough time in between sessions? I pump for 25 minutes at a time. I pump and 3pm, 515, 715 and 915 at work and at 1130 when I get home. My supply has plummeted. What was once 12oz or more is now between 6 and 8oz.

I'm not sure what to do. Since going back to work, I have gone through over 100oz in the freezer to literally starting from scratch. From 0.

I use the Willow pump at work as I do not have enough time to use a regular pump. I need some serious help. I drink a heck of a lot of water and just starting taking legendairy milk supplements to try and combat my loss of supply.

*edit* My supply at one point dipped to only 4oz per work shift as well, so it is going up a little.