Was soooo confused

Breanna • Mom to imberlyn-ida 10.1.19

So I had my first OB appointment today and I was expecting to see a baby of 8/9 weeks but I get the ultrasound and there’s a 7 week fetus in there so I’m like wtf? I was super confused because I know when I had my period and when I ovulated so my dr dug around abit more as confused as I. Then we figured it out I was in fact pregnant with twins however what would have been twin A passed away and that left the smaller twin aka twin B hence my being 7 weeks pregnant now 😂🤷‍♀️ my dr, nurse and myself kinda laughed when she told us what happened because we were all so confused. Highlight of the day I got to hear and see the heartbeat it was 144😍🎉