Drug addict SIL pregnant again!


So I know being upset that someone else is pregnant is generally looked down on but honestly I'm pissed. She is a math addict that has abandoned her first 2 children. She gave the 1st up when she started using because "it's to much work taking her to a from school and dealing with her" then she moved in with mt MIL who is a recovering heroin addict and abandoned her second child there when she met her current bf and now she is freaking pregnant by him! How is it a meth addict gets 3 children and I get my struggle to even have 1? The worst part is I get to pretend to be happy and caring and supportive when really I want to tell her to go f herself and leave me alone. My husband is also pissed because she is a terrible mother. Oh I forgot to mention she is a wanted felon who ran from Idaho because she got caught with meth and theft. This isnt even her first offense tho! In my town she got 11 felony and 3 misdemeanor when her and her bf went on a window smashing adventure because and I quote she was stressed. She is now not aloud to have base ball bats in her home because they are considered a weapon to her. How in the hell does her getting another child make any sense?! Why the hell do shitty people get children when happy healthy people who would make fantastic parents get to struggle to get pregnant. But anyway here to another month of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> fingers crossed it works or we arw looking into other option