At a lost for everything

Tania • Madly in love with the love of my life, ttc baby #1, godmommy to handsome little king and pushing for greatness, all while taking care of the world!

I love this man with everything in my being. We been together for almost 4 years now and 2 years ago I did something to hurt him. I understand I hurt him and since we got back together have been doing everything I could to be a good woman to him. But when I tell him how I feel un regard to us he finds the ammo to throw all that he choose to forgive me for back in my face. And get hurt using that as a will to turn the fight into me! I dont want to lose him, he is a good man, but his emotions and ego and pride get in the way of us truly moving forward and I dont know what to do. We cant have a child like this, we cant grow and be a family if he consistently holds onto the past rigth!? And I cant make him let it go... what am I to do?