Inputs please...


Okay so.. It's long and complicated but I'll try and make it short and sweet... Me and the so had to take a.... Living break... I left with our 4 year old for reasons we won't mention. Well while I was packing our things we discussed issues that needed to be fixed and we agreed before leaving that we were still together just needed to work on our selves..... So a month and half later we are waiting on taxes to come in so we can get a place. And the subject has come up the we don't bother with a home or apartment and we get a good sized camper...... Now I'm not opposed to the idea. His points make sense... And I've lived in one before and it worked. But my concern is.. With a 4 year old and one on the way... Are there any of you ladies that go with your so when they travel and you guys work out of a camper and it works for you guys?? Input ideas pros and cons.. Anything outside of my own head would be greatly appreciated