Ectopic Pregnancy???

Amy • Justice Ann 10/04/19 💖

Ok so I should be about 6w pregnant. I have a doctor appointment in a few weeks. But for the last week or so I have had pain that gradually increased as the days passed in my lower stomach area. It was sharp pain. It became worse and to the point of not being able to breathe. I decided to go to the ER. They tested my urine and sure enough they said I am pregnant. They tested my blood for HCG level and it's at 825. They did an ultrasound with a full bladder on my stomach - I can't remember why and then after I used the bathroom they did a vaginal ultrasound. They did not see any sign of life in my uterus. There is a "mass" on my left ovary (where I'm having sharp pain) and my right ovary was a little inflamed which they said was normal. The doctor came in and explained an ectopic pregnancy but said she could not definitively say it was that as they didn't see anything, anywhere.

Does anyone have any experience with this kind of situation?