Just a story about my boyfriend

Zoe 🥰

Okay so I’ve been dating this guy for two years now which doesn’t sound like a lot but I am head over heels in love with him. Today, we were at his house goofing around and just sort of enjoying each other’s’ company and he asked me if I could step on his back to crack it, which was weird because he’s never asked me to do that before and I used to do it for my sister, I guess he’s seen me do it or maybe I talked about it. So I stood up and held onto a table so as not to put my full weight on him and the MOMENT I stepped onto him he FARTED. Not like a full blown fart just like this dainty little toot. I’m gonna be honest I don’t really find farts funny I actually find them quite gross but I literally fell to the floor laughing because it was so cute!! He’s a foot taller than me and kind of built and to hear that kitten toot come out of him was fucking hysterical. I love this boy.