Our neighbors seriously did that

So our new neighbors moved in two months ago and a series of events has led to this altercation. Our houses are maybe 30 feet apart in a suburban neighborhood and their driveway is right beside both ours and our 2yo’s bedroom. They have this obnoxiously loud car that they rev every morning and wakes us up, but whatever you’re an adult you can have whatever dumb car you want, I accept it and move on. Then, a few weeks later a friend of theirs brings their dog over, and chains it to a tree in the backyard for two hours while they work out in the front yard, and the dog barks NON stop for 2 hours straight. I mean non-stop. Like the dog took maybe a 2min break to breathe and then would bark again. TWO HOURS. That was during the day so again, whatever I let it go besides throwing them a glare when I looked out the window, but here is where they crossed a line. Two days ago they started using a power saw in their driveway at 10:15pm. It is super loud and woke my sick daughter up. There is a noise ordinance where I live that goes from 10pm-7am so I went over there and tried to ask politely if there was some other time they could do that bc my sick daughter was trying to sleep. The guy mumbled something that sounded like “ “sorry” and stopped. Well then today they broke the power saw out again around 6pm, and again, whatever, it’s not late, it doesn’t bother me but I expected after I went over there the other day that they would have the decency to stop by 10. Turns out they do not possess that decency and continued to use the power saw at 10:30pm. This time my husband went over there and asked them to stop bc of our 2yo and one of the guys said something like “guess we’ll have to finish this tomorrow” I am FUMING. Keep in mind that I am 20 weeks pregnant. It’s clear that they didn’t care about my concerns and I doubt they care about my husbands. After my husband said something to them they stopped for the night but who’s to say they won’t do it again tomorrow? Idk what else to do if they do it again, if we call the cops they’ll know it’s us but I don’t really know what else to do at this point. Suggestions, thoughts or comments?