personal grooming for young girls

my daughter is 10. she started growing body hair around 8. I finally showed her how to shave her armpits a couple months ago. the other day I had her trying on clothes and she accidentally pulled her undies down and I noticed she had a jungle down there. shes young so of course no one is going to see it but what age is appropriate to teach her about grooming that area. like trimming? I talked to her a while ago about growing hair there and periods and not to be afraid but since she never mentioned it to me so I was really thrown when I saw how much it was. I was very young when my mom taught me, maybe 8 or 9 but looking back it just seems so young. Shes seen my lady bits, she was in the room when I delivered my last baby so I guess that's y it wasnt alarming to her. my mother has been out of my life since I was 10 and I'm not close to my mil so I have no one else to ask. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD keep rude unhelpful comments to yourself and to everyone else, thank you in advance!