What do you think of my ANNOUNCEMENT POEM???

Simone • Mama since Feb 2020 • In love • Dog mum • Australian • 31 • Beautiful daughter plus three angel babies

I’m not pregnant yet but I’m so excited about TTC and I’m hoping we don’t have to wait too long. I wrote this poem today which I will burn onto a small wooden box which will have some baby stuff I’ve bought so far.

This poem combines both mine and my partners interests.

Please feel free to give me any feedback!! I’m not a poet by any means. 😐🤷‍♀️

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P O E M - I Find Myself Wondering

By Me 🙊

I find myself wondering

what our children will be like.

Will they like to climb a tree?

Or will they like to ride a bike?

Will they support the Broncos?

Even though that team is shite!

Or will they be Bunnies supporters?

And really get it right!

I find myself wondering

if they’ll be more like me or you.

Or will they create an entire new path,

and to themselves be true?

Will woodchopping be their passion?

Or will they love to read great books?

Will they love growing up on the farm,

with horses, cows and chooks?

I find myself wondering

How many I might bear

I say 4... or more

But only if you dare!

Well, babe, I hope you’re ready

For our dreams are coming true

Because August, 2019,

is when our baby’s due.