Two month old with a cough, tips?



I’m going to call the pediatrician this AM once they open, but I want to hear about any tips and tricks from you all. I’m a FTM so I have the slightest idea what works since I can’t give my two month old any meds. He has a slight cough. Only coughs a few times a day and a few times while sleeping. Has a little snot in his nose here and there isn’t runny really. He also sometimes had a little mucous in his diaper (1-2 diapers). He’s sleeping fine.

I got smacked with a cold yesterday morning. He started coughing Friday but we didn’t think much of it. Thought he was just learning to cough because he’d only cough maybe once or twice in a sitting only once a twice a day. But yesterday and last night it has picked up. He seems fine, happy, can breathe, doesn’t seem congested. I’m hoping to do something before it gets worse.

Any tips or tricks yours have for a 17lb 2month old please share. 💕