My husband is pissing me offfff!!!

I had a mc jan 7th before i received my period i got pregnant (started getting positives feb 10th, i went for blood work yestersay and my levels are 1452, they want me to come in tomorrow to get more blood work done to make sure they double and then to schedule an ultrasound to figure out how far a long i am. I tell my husband and he gets all pissy saying women have been having babies for centuries without blood work and u/s and its just a way for them to get money. I tell him its to make sure they are doubling and to make sure they get high enough for the ultrasound. He goes why don't they have you go on like Thursday or friday then to see if they are high enough...😡 he then says that he just doesnt want me to stress over the dude you're stressing me out 😑😑 ugh sorry for the rant, no one knows im pregnant and i just needed to get that off my chest.