What I did to get a BFP - turkey basting

After trying for nearly 2 years, we were about to be referred for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. We had undiagnosed infertility and my heavy spotting before each period made it difficult to known when CD1 was, making it even more difficult to predict ovulation.

I was desperate that our last cycle went well. Sex had become a bit of a nightmare so I knew we had to get that right. That's when I read about the turkey basting method. Yup. That's right. We did it and it worked first time. Here's how.


1. I put in pre seed about 15 mins before the act.

2. Boyfriend did the business into a sterilised pot, which also contained a little pretty seed.

3. He sucked all the mixture into a needleless syringe and gave it to me. 'Special delivery!'

4. I lay flat on my back and slowly pressed the syringe to empty it around my cervix. Coating it. This took a bit of practise.

5. I lay on my back for 3o mins.

We started a day before my fertile period was due and finished 2 days after I thought ovulation had occurred. All in all, 10 days straight. And we still only just caught that egg on the last day.

So...give it a try!