Feeling down/TTC


I feel like we have tried everything. My period is due in 9 days and I’m hoping with everything that it doesn’t come. I’m sure I’ve said this before but I really think if it doesn’t happen this time I’m gonna stop trying for a while. It’s just so stressful and I’ve heard that being stressed can cause it to not happen as well. I see cute babies non stop and it makes me so sad because that’s all we want is our own baby to love and protect. 😔 I swear it happpens so easy for some people like they don’t have to pay attention to when they’re ovulating or anything it just happens and here I am a bunch of ovulation tests, pre-seed and legs in the air later😭😭I’m just hoping I’m pregnant or will be very soon. My boobs have been super sore which happens before my period comes. But I hope that’s not why 😩 sorry I’m just feeling discouraged. Also, I am 20 my Bf is 27 and when I spoke to my doctor about it and told her that we had been trying for a while she just prescribed me prenatal vitamins and said to start taking those and she also said I shouldn’t worry until it’s been more than a year. Blahhh sorry this is a long post just me rambling 😂😂 good luck to everyone trying ❤️