Need urgent advice please. Not sure if this is the right place to post


My husbands boss to put it politely is a dick. He had ago at my husband because it’s apparently My husbands responsibility to get everything ready for them to go away tomorrow for 3 days and he forgot his bosses machine polisher so his boss had ago at him telling him he’s the one that should be getting everything ready. While my husbands been working today his boss had the day off.

Then they got to our house and his boss said to My husband have you got the cquartz (don’t know what it is) and My husband said no I bought we were using this other thing (can’t remember the name of it) and he shouted at him in the middle of the street F’ing and blinding at him and sped off like a fucking loonatic our our street.

This is not the first time he’s done this he regularly swears at my husband and blames him for things that his boss has messed up on, tells my husband he needs to remember things because his boss has a memory like a sieve and he’s really unorganised.

His boss has anger problems and any slight thing and he flies off the handle and punches walls and throws things, he’s got up into my husbands face swearing and shouting at him.

What do we do? He’s going to be looking for another job but I’m the meantime he has to stay there as I’m a sahm. X

EDIT** my husbands autistic for some of the small minded people not actually giving advice