what would yall do?? πŸ’”(PLEASE READ)

this is a long story but i want yall to read it & give me your opinion on what yall think went down ?? or how would u react in this situation.... okay so it all started like i went to my hometown for the weekend ... me and my boyfriend was okay till sunday hits..... its sunday around 3:50pm and he disappears stops texting me his messges arent going thru what so ever! so obviously he doesnt have wifi cus his phone is off.. im like okay maybe he went to the store real fast... hours start going by.... soon it became around 9pm... i started to worry... i texted his ONLY friend he has if he was with him... he said no.... THATS THE ONLY PLACE HE WOULD BE!!!!!!! im just thinking to myself like β€œyo he better not be with another female..” so i loggin to his snapchat and yk how u text someone off snap and now they are in your recents? she was in his recents but the convo was clearly deleted..... so about 1 more hour passes and i decided to ride back to where we live to see if he home sleep or something.... he wasnt there. his mom even asled me where he was... i didnt know. mind you... its also pouring raining... its almost 12 in the morning 😭😭😭😭😭😭 still no text!!!!! 1am... then 2ammm... 3am... thats wen i decide im gonna just go home n stay there till he comes homes.....then imma catch his ass in his Lie.... mind you... i still have no text from him... i walk in the house i was about to enter our room and i seen the light was on... it was him. its 4am now..... i walk in and he throws his head down... as if he has doke something terrible .. i throw my stuff on the floor and ask β€œwhat..... what did you do.. whats wrong” my heart is pounding.. he said β€œi didnt wanna have to tell u in person” and he starts crying.... so i start crying cus im thinkin he cheated on me or something(which idk yet) but i finally get it out of him and he tells me he wanted to break up with me?!?!?!AFTER HE JUST VANISHED FOR MANY HOURS HE TELLS ME HE WANNA BREAK UP?!?! ofc i broke down immediately! i was shattered.. i asked him where he was...(this is where i caught him in a. lie) he said the library i said β€œits sunday... they closed today..” he tried so fast to switch it up!!! he said β€œi was just out walking around trying to find a way to tell you.. i was in rite aid and stuff walkin around” FOR THAT MANY HOURS ? IN THE COLD?!?! IN THE RAIN?!? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ soooooooooo after all the talking and crying he gonna tell me he wasnt leaving me and that he loved me and that i needed to stop crying but i was so hurt manπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” i didnt know what to do!!! he told me that i was always arguing... πŸ˜‘ i had my reasons!!!! so i felt like i had to keep my mouth shut on the fact that he deleted sum convo wit a girl and was gone FOR HOURS.. so we at the gym the same day in the afternoon & i ask .. β€œso if u was walking around why wasnt my messages i was sending going thru” (we have xfinity wifi so that’s literally everywhere we go) he claims his phone was dead..... thats wen i lost it. my heart just felt so weird.. like yo i was NOT born yesterday. so you telling me your phone died you was out in the streets walking in the COLD AND RAIN for hours?! HE DOESNT EVEN LIKE BEING OUTSIDE!!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚... soooooo my crazy ass added the girl he was texting on snap.. she added me back i hit her uo n asked her if i can ask her a question she said yeah.. so i sent a pic of my bf n said β€œdo you know him?” guess what....she blocked me immediately. 😐😐😐😐😐... man i wanna know if he was wit that bitch sooooo bad! 😭πŸ₯Ί i cant sleep its all i keep thinking about!!!πŸ’” i love him like crazy and if i find out he was wit her idk what im gonna do.. i cant ask him either cus he will continue to LIE! but will not stop till i find out where he really was on sunday all the way into monday !!!! what should i do?!? what would YALL do? 😭😭😭😭 something isnt adding up. nothing this man is telling me is adding up! why tf the gurl block me if it was just a simple yes or no... i dont get it... i wanna know 😫😫😫😫😫... and also you can tell when someone is lying to you!!! the fact that wen i asked him where he was he couldnt even look me in my eyes & his voice just didnt even sound right! it just SOUNDED like he lied his ass off πŸ˜‚