Genuine miracle rainbow....

Laura • Miscarriage sep 24th. TTC for 🌈 baby 💖

So we only managed to bd 5 days before ovulation determined by OPK. I had no illusions that we had any chance this cycle. We’d missed our window!! I suffer with IBS, and my stomach has been a pain in the rear for over a week, which niggled me, as I had the same last time. I took an OPK this morning, out of curiosity, which was positive. 14dpo and 4 days till due af, I thought it was a bit weird. So I decided to take a HCG test..... and would you believe........

Didn’t believe it for a minute. Thought ‘nope, its an awful evap. It’s a false line

And I hate these tests’. So I took a digital that I had been saving.......
