Small and showing at 9 weeks

Kat • Keep growing♥️

I weighed 108 before pregnancy and am 5”4’. I have a tiny pelvis and waist. Well, had. Now my tummy and pelvis are so bulgey that even when I’m hungry as heck, have nothing on my stomach and just woke up (so not even fluids could be making me bloat) I still have a tiny bump!

I know they say your uterus is tucked behind your pelvic bone this far along, but it really is so true that every woman is different and her body will act differently to pregnancy than any other womans.

There’s no way this bump isn’t from my baby, and whether it is my uterus popping out or not, it’s a baby bump. I mean it’s not like unpregnant humans have their stomach and intestines being pushed up into their upper body to make room for a baby. 😂 Isn’t that enough to cause a bump in a small woman? Definitely. People who disagree are just closed minded about the topic. 🤷‍♀️ Everyone is different! 👯‍♀️

I just wanted to throw this out there for all the new mommies that were teeny tiny humans before pregnancy and are being told they can’t be showing at 8/9 weeks. You definitely can! Others just may be jealous of your size or not understand that every woman and pregnancy is very different. There is really no “standard pregnancy”.

With all that said, show me your bump pics! I’ll post mine in the comments, I’m nine weeks along based on my last scan. 😊😻♥️