I was recently diagnosed with Bi Polar.

I’ve struggled with depression for a few years. Anxiety as well. When I got pregnant it got worse but I didn’t want to take anything while pregnant. When I gave birth in October by OB immediately put me on anti depressants. I’m 4 months PP and was diagnosed with PPD/PPA from my PCP. We switched meds a few times and has referred me to a psychiatrist. She just diagnosed me with depression, PTSD and Bi Polar.

I New I had depression and figured I had PTSD (from my baby’s father) but bi polar??? Really? I’m finding really hard to come to terms with this and idk why. Starting my new meds today while weaning off of he other ones and it’s making me anxious to be diagnosed with this...

I guess I’m looking to vent. Or some insight. Idk. I feel like a ducked up person with tons of shit wrong with me.