Period or pregnancy? 🤔

Queen 💕 • 26•#1 due April '21💙👣

Today I am 11DPO, this is our first month TTC. For the first week after ovulation I felt great, but didn’t think we would conceive quickly, which kept me from testing. Starting at 7DPO I believe I starting having “symptoms”.

I am nauseated everyday, all different times of day. I also have this dull aching feeling in my stomach. I am soooooooo gassy. I mean I almost am never gassy and it’s been lots of farts and burps... 😭 I have more back pain than usual ( I have chronic back pain 😩) I’ve been more irritable, emotional. My chest hurts, I have some sharp pains in the middle of my chest and sometimes it hurts to breath. My breasts also hurt, separately, they feel heavy and sore, but not really sensitive. My head started hurting yesterday, a dull ache all over pretty much. I’ve had stomach aches, sharp pains and cramps, but not where my normal period cramps are, more in my belly. I also was spotting this morning around 10am, only on tissue and it hasn’t come back and I NEVER SPOT, ever!

My period is due Friday (3days) and I know the only way to find out is to test. But I’m set on waiting for my period to miss 🤞🏽. I just kind of wrote this for advice, words of encouragement and so I can make it the next few days without testing 😂😂

Good luck and baby dust to anyone else waiting or just ttc.!! ✨✨🤞🏽✨✨