How do you plan to labor?


I spoke to my doctor about laboring options and they seem very minimal.

With my first, I made it to 7 cm (on a pictocian drip) until I gave into an epidural. I hated being stuck in the bed with the heart rate monitor. Plus my cath wasn’t inserted correctly so there was that mess. They wouldn’t let me lay comfortably and I could only push in one position. I loved being pain free, but felt so “stuck” for hours.

This time, my option is pain medicine (which they say wears off after a couple hours), or a full epidural. I was hoping a walking epidural would be an option but it’s not. I want to be able to move freely with intermittent monitoring, but y’all... I’m TERRIFIED of the pain!!

What’s your plan and why are you choosing that option? ❤️