Taking a trip....yes I am crazy!

Noradun • 🌸Due in Sept 2019 with 🌈 after TTC 3.5 yrs with PCOS👣Mommy of 5 💑 Married for 14 yrs👩🏼‍🎓Graduating in 2019 👩🏼‍💻 WFH Mom 🌼

In my defense I wasn’t pregnant when I signed up for this, but I am accompanying my church youth group to a youth event this weekend! I am 10 wks with a uterus measuring about 18 wks (7th pregnancy) and I am constantly nauseous and exhausted! The event is two nights three days! We leave Friday AM and come back late Sunday! I am a nervous wreck! It’s gonna be loud, and crazy, and I want to be energetic and involved, but I am scared I will feel like crap, be exhausted, and miserable! So with that being said, what would you pack for a trip of this nature to help you through? I am gonna buy some comfier close, I have sickness bands, I want to get some snacks to keep one me, and what else would y’all suggest??