My Feb baby is here, one day late!


I was lucky not to have to wait all night this time for her arrival, like my first baby. I went into labor around 6 this morning, went to my 40 week appointment at 9, then got told to go to the hospital! I made it to 8 cm before I got the epidural, but man I was happy to have it again. Ruby had a shoulder dystocia, so she was stuck in the birth canal. Thankfully the staff at our hospital is amazing and got her out with a little extra pushing on my pelvis and an episiotomy (ouch). She wasn't breathing right away, much like my first daughter, but it didn't take too long before she started crying and trying to nurse 😊 to see how big she is was certainly a shock! She was 8 lbs, 12 oz, 20 inches. Exactly 2 pounds heavier than her big sister. They are checking her sugars just to make sure she doesn't have any problems with low blood sugar. Everything is good so far!

Ruby Lynn, born at 40w1d, at 2:33 PM