Ex Bf

This guy and I dated for 4 years through half HS and half college. We broke up bc of a small fight but really because he couldn’t be verbal with his commitment to me in the future. I wanted confirmation we would get married after college (a few years in the future at the time) he “couldn’t promise” and I couldn’t waste my time anymore in a relationship that felt one sided. We have been separated and dated different people as well as not talked for 4 years. He had family issues and I reached out. Now we stay in daily contact, have had sex many many times, and it’s just like nothing happened. We both aren’t ready for a relationship as we both got out of one recently and have life stuff to work on but I have expressed my love for him and he’s said it back but follows with saying how he doesn’t want a relationship and would kill him if he hurt me by letting my expectations down. I think he just needs time because he’s constantly asking to see me and says how much he enjoys me being around and ya reconnecting. He’s totally worth the wait, he’s all I’ve ever wanted ever while broke up all these years even tho I broke up with him. But, I don’t wanna fall right back into it all and be let down when he is ready for a relationship but chooses someone else. Idk maybe I’m just in my head but this boy is the love of my life.