Why Pregnant?


I don’t know if it’s just me but whenever my period is late, I automatically think I am pregnant. Even for a split second. Like I know that it is 1000% impossible because I’m a virgin, but still. It’s weird. It is like my brain just turns off for a moment and my true Karen Smith comes out. My true dumb blondness (not to offend anyone) that I have hidden away returns. My last few brain cells remaining from school take a quick vacation. And then everything goes back to normal and I just think about how I have been blessed with a body that can’t make up its mind for sh*t. I get dragged back to reality and realize that I am just big dumb. And then I get big mad because that still means that I have my period to look forward to the next 9 months that could have been spent being preggers. Please let me know if something similar has ever happened to you.