Small šŸ¦

So I feel kind of bad but I just couldnā€™t bring myself to do it. I was hanging out with this guy id been talking to since October . I was kind of iffy of even talking to him in the first place so I admit I ignored him a lot at first. But beginning of last month I just thought why not? He would make comments like jokingly about having a big dick or post things like insinuating he had a big one and saying that keeping a healthy diet made men more ā€œableā€ or ā€œbetterā€ in the bedroom and thatā€™s why he was such a health fanatic .

Anyway weā€™re hanging out in his room after a month and a half of really talking and we start making out. It gets to the point where he starts to take off my underwear (Iā€™m wearing a dress) and he takes off his pants. He takes off his underwear only to low and behold reveal the smallest penis Iā€™ve ever seen in my life . I was so confused and didnā€™t even know how to react. I didnā€™t want to laugh or make him feel bad as I know itā€™s not his fault but he was saying things and trying to talk dirty like ā€œyou want all this dick mamiā€ or ā€œyouā€™re going to let me give it to you?ā€

I was just like uhh where is it ? Or all of what? Lol

Of course I didnt say it but I was really just laying there confused as fuck

. Finally I just decide thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going to let him have sex with me and fake it to boost his ego so I just look at his penis and then to his face and tell him ā€œIā€™m sorry thereā€™s no way I can do this , I have to goā€

I put on my clothes as fast as I could and leave . I didnā€™t even order my Uber until I was sure his house was out of sight . He messages me later asking what was wrong and when I didnā€™t reply he said that I was a bitch for leading him on. I responded saying ā€œlook I didnā€™t want to hurt your feelings but seeing as you want to be an ass about it Iā€™ll explain . I donā€™t owe you sex and if you insist on knowing why I left itā€™s because you have the smallest dick Iā€™ve ever seen. I wasnā€™t going to spread my legs open to feel nothing and gas up your ego.ā€ He blocked me on all social media after that, but I donā€™t mind .

Moral of the story: donā€™t ever feel like you have to have sex just because itā€™s gotten to a certain point . Also donā€™t feel like you have to spread your legs open for a micro penis just because you feel bad. Your vagina is precious and you have every right to choose what / who enters it.

EDIT: hereā€™s the screenshot of our convo I took to send my girls before he blocked me lol.